Learn Programming Languages

Programming Languages Courses

C Programming for beginner

  1. Features of C
  2. History
  3. Structure of C Program
  4. Keyword, Identifiers & Constants
  1. Primitive Data Types
  2. Aggregated Data Types
  1. Binary Operators
  2. Unary Operators
  3. Ternary Operators
  4. Special Operators
  5. Order of Evaluation
  1. Simple if
  2. if. Else
  3. Nested if
  4. if. Else ladder
  5. Goto Statement
  6. Break and Continue Statement
  7. Switch. Case statement
  1. While
  2. For
  3. Do. While
  4. Nested loop Statements
  1. Introduction to arrays
  2. Need for Arrays
  3. Types of arrays
  4. One Dimensional Arrays
  5. Two Dimensional Arrays
  6. Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  1. Declaring String
  2. Initializing String
  3. String Functions
  4. String Formatted Specifiers
  5. Multiple Strings
  1. Interdiction to Functions
  2. Need for Functions
  3. Classification of Functions
  4. Function Prototype
  5. Defining Function
  6. Calling Function
  7. Function with Arrays
  8. Function with Strings
  9. Recursive Functions
  1. Automatic
  2. Extern
  3. Static
  4. Register
  1. Introduction to structures
  2. Declaring a Structure
  3. Introduction to Structures
  4. Structures with Arrays
  5. Structures with Function
  6. Nested Structures
  7. Introduction to Union
  8. Declaring Union
  9. Difference between Structures and Unions
  10. Enumerations
  11. Typedef
  1. Introduction to Memory
  2. Introduction to Pointers
  3. Operations on Pointers
  4. Pointer to Pointer
  5. Pointer to Array
  6. Array to Pointers
  7. Void pointers
  8. Call by Value and Call by Reference
  9. Passing Pointers to Functions
  10. Functions returning Pointers
  11. Pointer to Functions
  12. Dynamic Functions Call with Function Pointer
  13. Pointers with Structures
  1. Allocation (Malloc, Callow & Reallot)
  2. De – Allocation (Free)
  1. Introduction
  2. File Input, Output Operations
  3. Sequential Files
  4. Random Access Files
  5. Command Line Arguments
  6. Handling Errors
  7. Database vs File System
  1. Introduction to Graphics
  2. Initializing Graphics
  3. Graphic Drivers & Modes
  4. Graphic Functions
  1. Introduction
  2. Stacks using Arrays
  3. Stacks using Linked List
  4. Queues using Arrays
  5. Queues using linked List
  6. Circular Queues
  7. De – Queues
  8. Singly Linked List
  9. Circular Linked List
  10. Doubly Linked List
  11. Infix, Prefix and Postfix
  12. Expressions
  13. Trees
  14. Binary Trees
  15. Directed Graphs, Undirected Graphs
  16. Searching Methods – BFS, DFS
  17. Searching Techniques – Linear, Binary
  18. Sorting Techniques – Bubble, Insertion,
  19. Selection, Quick, Heap and Merge

C++ Programming for beginner

  1. Disadvantage of C
  2. Evolution of C++
  3. Differencw B/W C & C++
  4. Features of C++
  1. Character set
  2. Data Types
  3. Structures
  4. Operations
  5. Type conversion
  1. Conditional statements
  2. Unconditional statements
  3. Switch
  4. Nested if
  1. While Loop
  2. For Loop
  3. Do-While
  4. Nested Loop
  1. One Dimensional
  2. Two Dimensional
  3. Multi Dimensional
  1. Strings Library Functions
  1. Function protype
  2. Function with Arguments & return value
  3. Function passing Arrays
  4. Function passing string
  5. Call by Reference
  6. Recursion
  1. Classes and Object
  2. Data Members,member function
  3. Construction & Destructors
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Function over Loading
  6. Operator over Loading
  7. Abstraction
  8. Inheritance
  1. Opening & Closing a File
  2. Mode of Access
  3. Ifstream
  1. Class Templates
  2. Function Templates

Data Structure Training

  1. Introduction
  2. Structured Representation
  3. Statements and Control Structures
  4. Abstract Data Types
  5. Static Data Types
  6. Dynamic Data Types
  7. Arrays
  8. Pointers
  9. Linked List
  10. Advanced Data Structures
  11. Data Structure Representation
  1. Defining stack
  2. Application of stack
  3. Operations of stack
  4. Stack implemented as an array
  5. Stack implemented with pointers
  6. Using Stacks to solve problems
  1. Defining Queue
  2. Application of Queue
  3. Operation of Queue
  4. Circular Queue
  5. Priority Queue
  6. Double Ended Queue
  7. Queue implemented with Pointers
  8. Differences between Stacks and Queues
  1. Introduction
  2. Advantages of Linked List over an Array
  3. Application of Linked List
  4. Types of Linked Lists
  5. Singly Linked Lists
  6. Operation of Singly Linked Lists
  7. Doubly Linked Lists
  8. Operations on Doubly Linked Lists
  9. Circular Linked Lists
  10. Circular Double Linked Lists
  11. Uses of Linked Lists
  1. Introduction
  2. Binary Trees
  3. Implementation of Binary Trees
  4. Insertion into a Binary Tree
  5. Binary Tree Deletion
  6. Traversing a Binary Tree
  7. Binary Height Balanced Trees
  1. Introduction
  2. Types of Graphs
  3. Various Representation of Graphs
  4. Application of Graphs
  5. Graph Traversals
  1. Introduction
  2. Bubble Sort
  3. Selection Sort
  4. Quick Sort
  5. Merge Sort
  6. Iterative Merge Sort
  7. Introduction to Heap
  8. Heap Operations
  9. Heap Sort
  1. Introduction
  2. Linear Search
  3. Binary Search​>


  1. Principles of Object Oriented Programming
  2. Features of Java Language
  3. JVM Architecture and Structured topics (basics)
  4. Data Types,Operators,Condition Statements,Control Statements
  5. Arrays,Command Line Arguments
  6. Object Oreinted Programming using Java
  7. Access Specifiers & Access Modifiers
  8. Inner Classes
  9. Abstract Classes
  10. Interfaces
  11. Packages
  12. String Handling
  13. Wrapper Classes
  14. Exception Handling
  15. Multi Threading
  16. IO Streams
  17. Absract Window Toolkit
  18. Applet Progrmming
  19. Collections Frame Work & Utility Classes
  20. Annotations
  21. Generics
  22. Reflection Api​


  1. Networking Essentials
  2. Socket Programming
  3. Java.net.inetAddress
  4. Datagrams
  5. Url
  6. Multicast Socket
  1. Introduction to JDBC
  2. JDBC Architucture
  3. Driver Manager,Driver,Connection,Statement,resultSet
  4. Prepared Statement & CallableStatement
  5. ResultSetMetaData & DatabaseMetadata
  6. JDBC Drivers
  1. Batch Updates
  2. Scrollable ResultSets
  3. Updatable ResultSets
  4. Working With Rowsets
  5. New Data Types Support
  6. Parameter MetaData
  7. Retrieving Auto Generated Keys
  8. Connection Pooling
  9. Using Savepoints
  1. Comparison With Servlets & JSP
  2. Introduction to JSP
  3. JSP Life Cycle
  4. Scripting Elements - Scriptlets, Declaration, Expressions
  5. JSP Directives page, include & taglib
  6. Error Handling in JSP
  7. JSP Action Tags
  8. JSP to Servlets & Servlets to JSP
  9. Using Java Beans In JSP
  10. JSPsession
  11. JSP Scope
  12. Custom Tag Development
  13. JSTL
  14. JSP Expression Language
  1. RPC
  2. RMI
  3. COBRA
  4. Introduction to EJB
  1. Need of Server Side Programming
  2. Comparison with CGI
  3. Introduction to Servlets
  4. Servlet Life Cycle
  5. Generic Servlets
  6. ServletConfig, ServletContext, ServletRequest,ServletResponse
  7. Database Operations using Servlets
  8. Http Servlets
  9. HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse
  10. Session Tracking - Hidden Form Fields, URL Rewriting, Cookies, HttpSession
  11. Initialization Parameters to Servlets
  12. Internationalization using Servlets
  13. Thread Safe Servlets
  14. Filter Servlets
  15. Event Listeners
  16. Annotaions in Servlets
  17. ServletRequest Wrapper & ServletResponse Wrapper
  1. Component Model Services
  2. Using the NetBeans GUI Builder
  3. Java Bean Properties
  4. Bean Persistence
  5. Introspection​


  1. RMI-Remote Method Ivocation
  2. EJB 2.0
  3. EJB 2.1
  4. EJB 3.0
  5. EJB 3.1
  6. JTS/JTA-JavaTransaction Service / Java Transaction API
  7. JNDI-Java Naming & Directory Interface
  8. JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service)
  9. JMS 1.1 (Java Messaging Service)
  10. Java Mail 1.3
  11. XML (extensible markup Language)
  12. XSL
  13. JAXP 1.2 (Java API for XML Parsing)


  1. History of PHP
  2. Versions and Differences between them
  3. Practicality
  4. Power
  5. Installation and configuring Apache and PHP
  1. Default Syntax
  2. Styles of PHP Tags
  3. Comments in PHP
  4. Output functions in PHP
  5. Datatypes in PHP
  6. Configuration Settings
  7. Error Types
  1. Variable Declarations
  2. Variable Scope
  3. PHP's Superglobal Variables
  4. Variable Variables
  1. Execution Control Statements
  2. Conditional Statements
  3. Looping Statements whith Realtime Examples
  1. What is an Array?
  2. How to create an Array
  3. Traversing Arrays
  4. Array Functions
  1. Include, Include_once
  2. Require, Require_once
  1. Validating text boxes,emails,phone number,etc
  2. Creating custom regular expressions
  1. Classes, Objects, Fields, Properties, _set(), Constants, Methods
  2. Encaptulation
  3. Inheritance and types
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Constructor and Destructor
  6. Static Class Members, Instance of Keyword, Helper Functions
  7. Object Cloning and Copy
  8. Reflections
  1. What is MySQL
  2. Integration with MySQL
  3. MySQL functions
  4. Gmail Data Grid options
  5. SQL Injection
  6. Uploading and downloading images in Database
  7. Registration and Login forms with validations
  8. Pagging,Sorting,…..
  1. Declarations styles of String Variables
  2. Heredoc style
  3. String Functions
  4. Regular Expression Stntax(POSIX)
  5. PHP's Regular Expression Functions(POSIX Extended)
  6. Working with the Files and Operating System
  1. Open, Create and Delete files
  2. Create Directories and Manipulate them
  3. Information about Hard Disk
  4. Directory Functions
  5. Calculating File, Directory and Disk Sizes
  1. Error Logging
  2. Configuration Directives
  3. PHP's Exception Class
  4. Throw New Exception
  5. Custom Exceptions
  1. HTTP Authentication
  2. PHP Authentication
  3. Authentication Methodologies
  1. Why Cookies
  2. Types of Cookies
  3. How to Create and Access Cookies
  4. Sessions
  1. Session Variables
  2. Creating and Destroying a Session
  3. Retriving and Setting the Session ID
  4. Encoding and Decoding Session Data
  5. Auto-Login
  6. Recently Viewed Document Index
  1. Why Web Services
  2. RSS Syntax
  3. SOAP
  4. How to Access Web Services
  1. What is XML
  2. Create a XML file from PHP with Database records
  3. Reading Information from XML File
  1. Introduction
  2. Storage Engines
  3. Functions
  4. Operators
  5. Constraints
  6. DDL commands
  7. DML Commands
  8. DCL Command
  9. TCL Commands
  11. Joins
  12. Curosrs
  13. Indexing
  14. Stored Procedures
  15. Mysql with PHP Programming
  16. Mysql with Sqlserver(Optional)
  1. Protocols
  2. HTTP Headers and types
  3. Sending Mails using PHP
  4. Email with Attachment
  5. File Uploading and Downloading using Headers
  6. Implementing Chating Applications using PHP and Ajax
  7. SMS Gateways and sending SMS to Mobiles
  8. Payments gateways and How to Integrate them​


  1. SQL home
  2. SQL intro
  3. SQL syntax
  4. SQL select
  5. SQL select distint
  6. SQL Where
  7. SQL And,Or,Not
  8. SQL Order By
  9. SQL Insert Into
  10. SQL Null Values
  11. SQL Update
  12. SQL Delete
  13. SQL Select Top
  14. SQL Min and Max
  15. SQL Count,Avg,Sum
  16. SQL Like
  17. SQL Wildcards
  18. SQL In
  19. SQL Between
  20. SQL Aliases
  21. SQL Joins
  22. SQL Inner Join
  23. SQL Left Join
  24. SQL Right Join
  25. SQL Full Join
  26. SQL Self Join
  27. SQL Union
  28. SQL Group By
  29. SQL Having
  30. SQL Exits
  31. SQL Any,All
  32. SQL Select Into
  33. SQL Insert Into Select
  34. SQL Null Functions
  35. SQL Comments
  1. SQL Create DB
  2. SQL Drop DB
  3. SQL Create Table
  4. SQL Drop Table
  5. SQL Alter Table
  6. SQL Constraints
  7. SQL Not Null
  8. SQL Unique
  9. SQL Primary Key
  10. SQL Foreign Key
  11. SQL Check
  12. SQL Default
  13. SQL Index
  14. SQL Auto Increment
  15. SQL Dates
  16. SQL Views
  17. SQL Injection

HTML5 Tutoria

  1. HTML Introduction
  2. HTML Editors
  3. HTML Basic
  4. HTML Elements
  5. HTML Attributes
  6. HTML Heading
  7. HTML Paragraphs
  8. HTML Styles
  9. HTML Formatting
  10. HTML Quotations
  11. HTML Comments
  12. HTML Colors
  13. HTML Css
  14. HTML Links
  15. HTML Images
  16. HTML Tables
  17. HTML Lists
  18. HTML Blocks
  19. HTML Classes
  20. HTML Iframes
  21. HTML JavaScript
  22. HTML File Paths
  23. HTML Head
  24. HTML Layout
  25. HTML Responsive
  26. HTML Computercode
  27. HTML Entities
  28. HTML Symbols
  29. HTML Charset
  30. HTML Url Encode
  1. HTML Forms
  2. HTML Form Elements
  3. HTML Input Types
  4. HTML Input Attributes
  1. HTML5 Intro
  2. HTML5 Support
  3. HTML5 New Elements
  4. HTML5 Semantics
  5. HTML5 Migration
  6. HTML5 Style Guide
  1. HTML Canvas
  3. HTML Google Maps
  1. HTML Media
  2. HTML video
  3. HTML Audio
  4. HTML plug-ins
  5. HTML YouTube
  1. HTML Geolocation
  2. HTML Drag/Drop
  3. HTML Web Storage
  4. HTML Web Workers
  5. HTML SSE​


  1. CSS Introduction
  2. CSS Introduction
  3. CSS Syntax
  4. CSS How To
  5. CSS Colors
  6. CSS Backgrounds
  7. CSS Borders
  8. CSS Margins
  9. CSS Paddings
  10. CSS Height/Width
  11. CSS BoxModel
  12. CSS Outline
  13. CSS Text
  14. CSS Fonts
  15. CSS Icons
  16. CSS Links
  17. CSS Lists
  18. CSS Tables
  19. CSS Display
  20. CSS Max-width
  21. CSS Position
  22. CSS Overflow
  23. CSS Float
  24. CSS Inline-Block
  25. CSS Align
  26. CSS Combinators
  27. CSS Pseudo-class
  28. CSS Psuedo-elements
  29. CSS Opacity
  30. CSS Navigation Bar
  31. CSS Dropdowns
  32. CSS Tooltips
  33. CSS Image Gallery
  34. CSS Image Sprites
  35. CSS Attr Selectors
  36. CSS Forms
  37. CSS Counters
  38. CSS Website Layout
  1. CSS3 Introduction
  2. CSS3 Rounded Corners
  3. CSS3 Border Images
  4. CSS3 Backgrounds
  5. CSS3 Colors
  6. CSS3 Gradients
  7. CSS3 Shadows
  8. CSS3 Text
  9. CSS3 Fonts
  10. CSS3 2D Transforms
  11. CSS3 3D Transforms
  12. CSS3 Transitions
  13. CSS3 Animations
  14. CSS3 Images
  15. CSS3 Object-fit
  16. CSS3 Buttons
  17. CSS3 Pagination
  18. CSS3 Multiple Coloumns
  19. CSS3 User Interface
  20. CSS3 Box Sizing
  21. CSS3 Flexbox
  22. CSS3 Media Queries
  1. RWD Intro
  2. RWD Viewport
  3. RWD GridView
  4. RWD Media Quiriest
  5. RWD Images
  6. RWD Videos
  7. RWD Frameworks
  8. RWD Templates
  1. GRID Intro
  2. GRID Container
  3. GRID Item​

Java Script

  1. JS Introducton
  2. JS OutPut
  3. JS Syntax
  4. JS Statements
  5. JS Comments
  6. JS Variables
  7. JS Operators
  8. JS Arithematic
  9. JS Assignments
  10. JS Data Types
  11. JS Functons
  12. JS Objects
  13. JS Scope
  14. JS Events
  15. JS Strings
  16. JS String Methods
  17. JS Numbers
  18. JS Number Methods
  19. JS Math
  20. JS Random
  21. JS Dates
  22. JS Date Formats
  23. JS Date Methods
  24. JS Arrays
  25. JS Array Methods
  26. JS Array Sort
  27. JS Booleans
  28. JS Comparisions
  29. JS Conditions
  30. JS Switch
  31. JS Loop For
  32. JS Loop While
  33. JS Break
  34. JS Type Conversion
  35. JS Bitwise
  36. JS RegExp
  37. JS Errors
  38. JS Debugging
  39. JS Hosting
  40. JS Strict Mode
  41. JS Style Guide
  42. JS Best Practice
  43. JS Mistakes
  44. JS Perefomances
  45. JS Reserved Words
  46. JS Versions
  47. JS JSON
  48. JS FORMS
  1. Object Definitions
  2. Object Parameters
  3. Object Methods
  4. Object CAll
  5. Object Apply
  6. Object Closure
  1. DOM Introducton
  2. DOM Methods
  3. DOM Docunment
  4. DOM Elements
  6. DOM CSS
  7. DOM Animation
  8. DOM Events
  9. DOM Event Listener
  10. DOM Navigation
  11. DOM Nodes
  12. DOM collection
  13. DOM Node lists
  1. JS Window
  2. JS Screen
  3. Js Location
  4. JS History
  5. JS Navigation
  6. JS Popup Alert
  7. JS cookies
  1. AJAX Introducton
  2. AJAX XMLHttp
  3. AJAX Request
  4. AJAX response
  5. AJAX Xml File
  8. AJAX Database
  9. AJAX Applications
  1. JSON Introducton
  2. JSON Syntax
  3. JSON vs Xml
  5. JSON DataTypes
  6. JSON Arrays
  7. JSON Parse
  8. JSON Stringfy